Police Court Clergy Society On Increased Suicide Cases

Police in Kawale on Wednesday urged clergymen within Area 23 to join law enforcers in the battle against the reigning spirit of committing suicide due to financial and marital challenges.

Speaking during the meeting, Senior Superitendent Tinyade Pahuwa lamented on the increased number of people terminating their own lives hence urged the men of God who were present to consider tackling the issues of suicide during church services.

“We are very concerned with the suicide figures despite our interventions in the fight against the malpractices that’s why we are here to seek the indulgence of you to join us by spreading the message to your congregants during church services” Pahuwa pleaded.

The clergymen were also encouraged to open the door to everyone by having seminars and counselling sessions with their church members including the youth as a room to express their concerns.

On her part, the Area 23 Police Unit Community Policing Coordinator Inspector Funny Majoni urged the men of God present to preach against mob justice and also encourage their church members about business and farming in order to increase their financial capacities.

Majoni also advised prophets in the area to desist from sensitive or false prophecies which result into mob justice and breaks family ties.

Pastor Yobu Banda of Baptist Church concurred with Majoni and promised to set various strategies in business such as having savings account and provide soft loans to it’s members.

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