CAMA fault the creation of Power Market Limited-PML

Consumer rights body is faulting the creation of Power Market Limited-PML arguing it will create unnecessary and unjustified costs for the supply of electricity.

The un-bundling of ESCOM automatically led to the creating of four entities responsible for generation, buying, systems and marketing and distribution of electricity.

However, only EGENCO was operationalized for generation while ESCOM combined the responsibilities including that of single buyer and thereby contravening the Electricity (amendment) Act of 2016.

Other sections have been lobbying for authorities to consider relieving ESCOM from the single buyer responsibility by handing it over to Power Market Limited –PML.

However, Consumers Association of Malawi-CAMA executive director, John Kapito, argues that operationalizing PML will lead to tariff hikes.

In an earlier interview, Director of Marketing at Power Market Limited Villant Jana allayed fears of possible tariff hikes.

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