Mangochi Court Has Sentenced The Following For loitering In The District

The Second Grade Magistrate Court sitting in Mangochi has today 07/04/22 convicted and sentenced the following for idle and disorderly:

  1. Juma Kazembe, 33 yrs
    2.Francis Makiyi, 18 yrs
    3.James Mambo, 30 yrs
    4.James Umali , 22 yrs
    5.Frank Kalumbu, 35 yrs
    6.Chikumbutso Chiwaya, 35 yrs
    7.Alli Sani , 22 yrs

(all are from mtalimanja vg,TA Mponda Mangochi)

8.Shukurani Mimu ,37,Saitikadzuwa,Mponda,Mangochi
9.Asante Taweza, 21 yrs,mpondasi vg, TA Mponda, Mangochi

…to 4 hours of community service or in dafault serve a 4 week IHL for the offence of Idle.

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