Minister Declares Support Towards Realisation Of Goshen City In Monkeybay

Minister of Local Government, Blessings Chinsinga, has declared government’s support towards the implementation of Goshen City in line with Malawi’s 2063 aspirations of secondary cities.

“I’m overwhelmed with what I have seen. Goshen City is historic in developing and transforming Malawi. We will therefore support the realisation of the vision to prioritise Monkeybay in secondary cities plan”, said Chinsinga when he toured the construction of the city in Monkeybay.

Speaking when he presented the vision to Chinsinga, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri pleaded for the government’s support.

“We cannot realise this vision alone without political will. We will need road rehabilitation and construction so that the city is accessible,” said Bushiri.

Goshen City is located in Monkeybay and will have among other structures, a Five Star Hotel, International Airport, Sports Arena and University.

Phase one of the project which will be launched in December this year has already seen the construction and completion of some infrastructure.

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