Parliament Adjourned Early Due To Water Problems.

Parliament today has adjourned early following concerns over lack of water supply which has affected hygiene and sanitation at the Parliament Building in Lilongwe.

The matter was raised by Dedza South East legislator Ishmael Onani who also moved a motion to waive all standing orders and adjourn the house early on health concerns.

“Madam Speaker, there is no water in the whole building as such the toilets are stinking and considering issues of Covid-19 which require hygiene, I beg to move that we adjourn early and resume when water supply resumes,” he said.

Speaker of the National Assembly Catherine Gotani Hara confirmed that there has been no water supply since Wednesday this week but assured the House that technicians from Lilongwe Waterboard and Parliament are working on the problem.

“It’s true we lost water supply, and since yesterday we have been using water from our reserve tanks which have also been depleted. But be assured that the supply will resume soon because technicians are working on the problem,” she said.

The speaker has since adjourned the house to Friday 9:30am.

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