Organisers Of Demonstrations To Be Liable For Losses

Minister of Homeland Security, Jean Muonaowauza Sendeza, says organisers of demonstrations will be liable for all losses incurred during demonstrations.

The minister disclosed this in Parliament in response to a legislator from Ntcheu who told the House that innocent business persons in Ntcheu had their shops looted by demonstrators.

“The demonstrators are abusing section 38 of the Constitution. They are infringing on other citizens’ rights to own and operate businesses.Recently we have seen that looters are part and parcel of the demonstrators as such we will ensure that the organisers are held responsible,” she said.

The House has also agreed that those who stage abductions should face the law.

“We are aware that some people stage abductions. We will put this to an end by prosecuting those who deliberately try to cause anarchy in the country through staged abductions,” said Sendeza.

Currently, those who organised today’s demonstrations have delivered their petition to District Commissioner for Lilongwe.

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