Children in Mpezeni Village in the area of Traditional Authority Nsamala in Balaka now have a chance to advance their physical, cognitive and social-emotional development.

This follows the construction of a free nursery school in the area by the Community of Sant’Egidio, a lay Catholic association dedicated to social service.

According to Balaka District Coordinator for the association, Potipher Magombo, the school will also be offering breakfast and lunch for free.

“There was no such facility here. We saw the need and we were compelled to help,” he added.

The United Nations notes that opportunities for early learning are among the crucial aspects to help children grow to their full potential. It says such can be realised through interventions like responsive caregiving which include playing and singing.

The community of Sant’Egidio has constructed the 50-learner-capacity school with financial support from well-wishers in Italy.

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