Escom is forced to pay billions of kwachas for energy that is not delivered.

Escom Chief executive officer Kamkwamba Kumwenda has told a parliamentary joint committee that Escom is burdened with charges for electricity.

Kumwenda said Escom is forced to pay billions of kwachas for energy that is not delivered. Kumwenda says Escom is forced to borrow from banks to pay for undelivered energy.

He says there is need to find a solution on who will pay for undelivered energy. Kumwenda also said Egenco has made an application to be paid in dollars. He said if Egenco is allowed to be paid in dollars, Escom will be dead. He said it is better to close Escom if Egenco will be allowed to be paid in dollars.

Kumwenda has also blamed Egenco for the blackouts that the country is facing saying Egenco is only giving about 68 percent of electricity. He said if Egenco was supplying 90 percent or more, the country would not be in a situation that it is in. He said Escom can only distribute what it is given.

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