Dowa Dec members …. sharing project updates…..
District Commissioner for Dowa Alex Mdooko, has asked partners implementing various interventions in the district to be accountable to the communities they are serving so that the projects which they are being implemented, are in line with their needs .
Mdooko said the recent report released by the NGO Board that billions of Kwachas are coming to the district but on the ground, there is little or no progress, is very worrisome demanding all partners to work together as a team for the good of the district.
He called upon District executive committee [Dec] members to be guiding partners on where and what to invest in the district taking into account that Malawi has set Vision 2063 which is a blue-print for its developments agenda and the district should not lag behind.
Speaking during a Dec meeting held at the boma on Friday,
Mdooko said the district has Socio-Economic Profile [SEP] and District Development Plan [DDP] saying all the issues are not addressed to carter for the needs of the communities, appealing to the partners to implement projects that are community-driven suiting their needs for sustainability purposes.
Mdooko said from now on, partners implementing projects outside the SEP and DDP will not be entertained by the council saying it is better to send back donor funds than implementing a project which will not benefit the people in the district.
’’Dec is full of intelligent people, tell your donors things have changed, they are not the same as they were yesterday, the people’s needs first,’’……he said.
Mdooko reported at the meeting that councilors and MPs for the district are demanding for an interface meeting between partners and government sectors to know what they are implementing in the district and where there projects are to enhance cooperation, accountability and transparency.
He emphasized that much as they are implementing their activities in the district, they should join hands to do other parallel activities in all sectors saying this will help the communities to get what they are in need of such as water, bed mattresses and medicines.
The DC then, urged partners to move together with the council secretariat assuring them that this not witch-hunting but advising them to prepare reports be quarterly or monthly of their projects so that the elected members of the council appreciate their presence in the district.
In his remarks, George Kaunda of MAICC, said partners have for a long time been waiting for this interface meeting and have resources to support the meeting and have been waiting for communication on the date and venue assuring the DC that they are ready.