Minister Gives Construction Company Two Weeks Ultimatum

Rumphi, October 26: Minister of Transport and Public Works, Jacob Hara has given China Henan Corporation Group, a company which is expected to rehabilitate Kacheche Chiweta M1 Road, a two- week ultimatum to start working on the road.

Hara gave the ultimatum on Tuesday after inspecting the road where he also interacted with officials from China Henan Corporation Group.

He said there is nothing happening on the ground although the contract was awarded some months ago.

“The challenge is the contractor has demonstrated that, so far, he doesn’t have the capacity,” said Hara.

Supervising Consultant, Ciaran Paul said the company will be working on the most challenging part of the M1 Road.

Paul said he expects the contractor to fully mobilize in the next two weeks and was optimistic that the contractor will deliver a good work.

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