Start Transacting In Digital Money Transfers-Kazako

Information Minister, Gospel Kazako, says the continued dominance of paper money in transactions signifies the depth of poverty in this country, challenging Malawians to start transacting in digital money transfers.

He was addressing about a 100 students in Lilongwe who are undergoing this year’s Seed for the Future initiative by Huawei Technologies.

The 100 ICT students are from various high learning institutions and will be exposed to industry oriented ICT skills with an aim to deepen their technological prowess for their greater contribution to the country.

However, Kazako said the country cannot develop without digitization hence his government is championing development of the ICT sector through various projects.

He further challenged Huawei to ensure high quality infrastructure in the e-government project it is implementing.

Huawei Managing Director for Malawi Wan Wei assured that it is in its legacy to install long lasting ICT solutions that are reliable.

He further said, as a global leader of ICT services, they take the responsibility to develop skills in the countries they work in hence the Seed for the Future initiative that has seen several youth acquiring skills through the annual tranings.

The new Chinese Ambassador to Malawi, Long Zhou was also present at the opening of the training and hinted that the two governments are exploring new corporation areas in digitization, calling on Chinese companies to invest in Malawi and support the country’s development agenda.

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