In what can be described as a whirlwind of desperation for students union presidency at University of Livistonia, Ekwendeni Campus, a presidential candidate has plagiarised the six pillars by Humble C Bondo, which he used in the just ended University of Malawi Students Representative Council elections.
A comparison of the two posters by Chanco News has shown one hundred percent similarities in the political ideologies being advanced.

In an interview with ChancoNews, the candidate identified as James Ziggy Moyo accepted that he plagiarised Bondo’s campaign Manifesto pillars because they were inline with what he wants to achieve.
“So I decided to be in line with those ideas…By the way I had no bad intentions but just loved the ideas,” said Moyo.
However Moyo’s counterpart in the elections, Tumaini Singini, expressed sadness with the conduct saying her manifesto is based on realities of their campus not copied from elsewhere pledging that she will devise sustainable Fundraising activities, lobby for exposure of students to the corporate world, embrace new technology in registration process among others.

“We are moving in a world of technology and our campus is behind…I feel like the campus should now be able to have online registration not this manual system,” pledged Singini.
When ChancoNews contacted Bondo to have his reaction he denied the interview.