FAM Takes Football Development Program To Schools

In an effort to enhance participation among primary school learners, Football Association of Malawi FAM has reiterated the need to incorporate sports activities in the country’s education curriculum.

Football for School Programs Coordinator, McWilliams Nkunika was speaking in Dedza district on Thursday when the football governing body oriented sports teachers from the Central West Education Division on the project.

He revealed they have received 50 000 United States Dollars and over 32 000 playing balls from FIFA to help in the implementation of the program, among others.

“We have received about 50 million dollars and other sports materials for the program which is set to target primary school learners of the ages 4 to 14 years old,” said Nkunika.

One of the participants, Sakina Chirwa from Chinkhuti Primary School in Lilongwe welcomes the initiative; saying it will help boost learners’ participation in school.

The training will target 120 sports teachers from 120 schools and they are expected to impart the knowledge to fellow teachers.

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