Chizuma Dating Crocodiles

Comrade jumbe writes

My simple question to the government, if you claim to mantain ignorance on the arrest of ant corruption bureau director who is Steve kayuni at the time of chizuma’s arrest and who are the police service? The answer is obvious that they are part of government.

The U turn on the matter tells the story that government was just testing waters and found it impassable.

Seeking and dive is in the DNA of malawi Congress party they come with silly and harming operations and at later stage they pretend of innocence as if they are good samaritans but we can’t delete history truth of the matter is that chizuma is dating CROCODILES .

Chizuma she is too slow to act she is treating mcp cadets who are involved in corruption scandals with kid’s gloves this might be a rope to hung herself.

Writings are on the wall that the malawi Congress party are using chizuma as the machinery in the game of selective justice with an efforts to silence chakwera opponents in politics, today here it is she has been humiliated in the eyes of the world.

This is just a warning shot if she don’t carefully calculate her arithmetics it will be doom and destruction.

Yours comradely.

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