SGBV Observatory Hub Launched

A high-value sexual and gender-based violence hub has been launched in Zomba aimed at strengthening the fight against gender-based violence.

Speaking during the official launch of the initiative Justice Joseph Chigona of the Malawi Judiciary said the SGBV Observatory Hub will serve as a data repository to monitor trends in sexual reproductive health and patterns of violence, initially, in six targeted districts of Nsanje, Machinga, Dowa, Ntchisi, Nkhatabay, and Mzimba.

He said the data will be used as a repository for all SGBV-related data in Malawi from key sectors such as the police, social welfare, health, and the judiciary.

Justice Chigona said: “Under the Spotlight Initiative, the judiciary has received financial assistance from the United Nations Development Programme -UNDP as well as technical assistance from National Statistics Office-NSO to develop its Case Management System which has already been validated and ready to roll out shortly in the Spotlight Initiative impact districts”

Taking her part NSO Commissioner, Lizzie Chikoti challenged all players in gender mainstreaming to fully utilize the official SGBV data that the hub will be disseminating.

“Through the National Observatory Hub, NSO shall capacitate the line ministries, district-level staff, and Non-Governmental Organisations on data management and analysis,” Chikondi said.

The initiative is being implemented with financial support from European Union, Irish Aid, UNDP, UN Women, and UNFPA.

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