Men Shuns Adult Literacy Education In Ntcheu

Authorities in Ntcheu have expressed concern over the low turn out of men attending adult literacy classes besides lack of permanent learning centers in the district.

The District’s Community Development Officer, Ellen Mwahara says the challenge is derailing efforts in addressing illiteracy levels among rural communities .

Mwahara made the remarks during the commemoration of Adult Literacy Day and graduation at Kambironjo in the area of Inkosi Mpando in the district.

“It is very unfortunate that men are shunning adult literacy schools. For instance, out of the 20 who graduated today, only three are men hence the need to influence mindset change towards achieving the District’s Development Plan on ending illiteracy,” she said.

In his remarks, a representative of Inkosi Mpando, Group Village headman Madana committes to mobilizing men to start attending the adult literacy schools. He further pledged to look for permanent learning centers in his area.

“As chiefs, we are geared to making sure that men attend the adult literacy schools so that they should at least know how to read and write. We are going to look for place in our area that will be used as learning centers,” he said.

Meanwhile, one of the graduands, Elise Lameki hailed the school, describing it as timely saying before, she was failing to make proper decisions due to a lack of formal education.

This year’s event was commemorated under the theme: Transforming Literacy Learning Spaces.

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