Martha To Loose Audio Case, Then Fired of Criminal offence

Martha Chizuma Must Wilfully Resign Otherwise Never Expect Any Good From Her

The Implications On Martha Chizuma

The President has put Martha Chizuma at the very awkward position for both working and delivering,

The retaining of ACB Director Martha Chizuma is a trap to her she is going to battle her Audio case and other injured people to influx in court of law to seek justice on prejudices, ACB szar Martha Chizuma will be answering many court cases of prejudices and she will loose Audio case in court then she will be fired

It’s clear that Martha Chizuma is living on mercy of the President in which case of the President’s legal errands that have convinced the president not to fire her in fear of the british and united states envoys but organised legal Audio battle with professional lawyers to slap her in court and lose her case then she will be fired of Criminal offence

Martha placed on the wall she can’t bit and should get ready to prove her self Innocent on Audio case before the court of law, and the best lawyer to replace her is already pulling his socks and warming up ready to take over the position of ACB boss

The best solution and advice Martha Chizuma should voluntarily resign

any kind of miscoordination with AG and DPP will mean her is fired.
Thus s straight attack on her role to work independently and deliver,, If AG can sit on her request for 1 year how will he proceed??

The Audio case loading

The whole Press was about the Audio,, thus the Hook placed on her,, one best lawyer will be placed the Case Against her Audio and Martha will loose the Case, the she will be Fired of Criminal offence

US/British holds Dr Lazarus Chakwera’s hands not to act on ACB Boss Martha Chizuma, The learned lawyers have hold hands of ACB Director not to act but she will face and battle an Audio case in court then she is fired,

Once she is court CSOs will wake up with demonstrations demanding Chizuma to leave ACB office and defend herself for her innocent,

Martha is Compromised now by the fact that she will be working under Cage, her hands are tied

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