Bliss GVS Donates To QECH

Bliss GVS, a pharmaceutical company in India has donated medical supplies worth over K15 million to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) in Blantyre.

Speaking when presenting the donation through its local distributor, Pharmavet Limited, Medical Representative for Bliss GVS in Malawi Andrew Banda said the donation is part of the company’s corporate social responsibility.

“The company is not only into profit making but also serving the needs of the public,” Banda said.

In his remarks when receiving the medical supplies, Hospital Director for QECH, Samson Mdolo, commended the organisation for the donation saying the drugs will serve patients at the referral hospital.

Mdolo has since called on other companies and organisations to follow suit. Some of the medical supplies donated include painkillers, antibiotics, cholera and anti-malaria drugs.

QECH is one of Malawi’s biggest referral hospitals which serves cases from surrounding district hospitals, mostly in the southern region.

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