Youths In The North Calls Muluzi To Return To Politics

A grouping of some youths, calling itself, Friends of Atupele Muluzi has stressed the need for the country to have youthful leaders.

As it may, and as the name of the grouping suggests, the youths are asking for Atupele Muluzi’s return to politics.

According to Webster Stein Chidothe, Secretary General for the grouping, the movement is aimed at mobilizing Malawians to give support to Muluzi.

However, this is happening at a time Atupele Muluzi, announced his retirement from active politics last year.

Chidothe said the wishes of his grouping is for the country to have youthful leaders with viable ideas to govern the country hence calling for Muluzi’s return to politics.

But, political analysts have described this as a hide and seek game played by former United Democratic Front president Atupele Muluzi.

A political analyst, George Phiri, has suspected that Muluzi himself maybe behind the movement to get himself back into active politics.

Phiri has since called on the former UDF leader to stop playing hide and seek games and come out in the open and announce his return to the political scene.

According to Chidothe, the grouping has been conducting mobilization campaigns across the country

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