Southern Region Waterboard says it has suffered damage to its water infrastructure worth billions of Kwachas as an impact of Cyclone Freddy.
Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation, Liana Kakhobwe Chapota, visited some areas affected like Muloza and Luchenza to asses how the government will help.
SRWB Chairperson, Brown Mpinganjira, said most of the equipment will require replacement.

“We have been pulled many steps backwards. SRWB needs help from the government and other quarters because we are not able to supply water to many Malawians in the region,” said Mpinganjira.

Muloza Water Pumping Station in Mulanje is the worst hit. More than 10 stations of the board have been affected.
According to SWRB, the damaged schemes need K3 billion for maintenance.
Assessors are yet to come up with an overall cost of the damage.