FDH Bank Donates K5 Million Towards Upcoming Association Of Power Utility Conference

Chief Executive Officer of Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) William Liabunya says the forthcoming Association of Power Utilities in Africa conference that Malawi will host from 3rd to 9th June this year in Lilongwe will create more opportunities for member countries to generate adequate electricity for sustainable development.

“This is the Annual General Meeting number 57 which we will be hosting and this will attract all utilities in Africa from 56 countries and other affiliated members. We expect to gain knowledge, look at the performance of the continent in the electricity supply sector, how we are performing and moving forward and find new investors,” said Liabunya.

Speaking after receiving a K5 million from FDH towards the conference, Liabunya said the conference is timely, hoping that with the new projects that EGENCO is currently implementing in Salima and Wovwe in Karonga, more Malawians will be connected to power.

FDH Bank plc Managing Director, Noel Mkulichi commended EGENCO for the sustained efforts to improve electricity generation in the country, saying it will promote economic growth.

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