Makumbo dispensary gives hope to communities

The construction of Makumbo Dispensary in Nkhata Bay, which is at an advanced stage, has elevated the hope of communities for improved health services.

In an interview on Tuesday, Chairperson for Makumbo Area Development Committee, Symon Chirwa said the dispensary will ensure that people have easy access to health services without having to travel to Jenda in Mzimba as is the case now.

“Many lives have been lost and expectant mothers have been giving birth whilst on their way to the hospital. As such, the dispensary will help ease such challenges,” said Chirwa.

Chairperson for Makumbo Mother Group, Getrude Mhone hopes the new facility will deal with challenges which women usually face at household level in accessing health services.

Senior Group Village Head Mbalambala, in whose area the facility is being constructed, expects to see improved community participation in developmental activities saying a health community plays a role in development.

Director of Public Works for Nkhata Bay District, Ellias Mkandawire said the council resorted to construct the facility after considering the hardships communities face.

He said the K68 million project, which includes installation of solar power system is expected to be completed by the end of 2023.

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