Office of the Ombudsman in sensitization drive

By: Mphatso M’bang’ombe Citizen journalist

The office of the Ombudsman has asked Malawian citizens in Dowa to embrace reporting culture whenever they have unfairly treated by public institutions or officials in their respective localities.

Speaking during market rally at Dowa Boma Deputy Director of Information, Documentation and Civic Education Felix Masekesa in the office of the Ombudsman said that the office is mandated to investigate matters to do with maladministration and poor service delivery by public officials and office.

Felix called on the rural masses in Malawi to demand transparency and accountability from the duty bearers. Masekesa further said that the public are the right holders as such they deserve good service delivery.

He also said anyone who want to forward a complaint to the office should call, use nearby Ombudsman offices, email and NICE offices.

In a separate interview Senior Group Village Headman (SGVH) Vilikuja of Traditional Authority Msakambewa thanked the office of Ombudsman for the awareness campaign.

The Chief also asked the office to conduct more awareness meetings in the district with a view of making sure that the majority of Malawian citizens have knowledge about how Ombudsman’s office and it’s operations.

Office of the Ombudsman is implementing these activities in Dowa district with funding from the Government of Malawi.

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