Muloza Trading Centre Run Riot As Businessman Murdered

There were running battles early this morning between Police and People staying around Muloza Trading Centre also known as Limbuli in Mulanje District as Businessman Edson Nachuma owner of Edgas Lodge lost Property from mob justice after being implicated in a series of robberies that have been happening in the area.

Last night thugs broke into the house of Mr George Molishi a businessman at Namasalima Village where they demanded cash and were given k1,000,000.The businessman was then hacked with Pangas and hit with sticks and was pronounced dead on arrival at Mulanje District Hospital.The Police were called to help but they didn’t avail themselves.

Early in the morning people trekked down to Muloza Police where riots began and teargas was fired unto the angry demonstrators.

But things got worse when the Law enforcers run out of teargas as People vandalised,store and burnt property at Edgars Lodge,his personal house as well as his warehouse where they went away with bags of Maize,Goats,Sheep and different household items.
After looting the angry mob burnt the remaining property.Also vehicles which belonged to customers were burnt to ashes at the Lodge.

A Gun and some masks which were believed to be used during the robberies were found at Edson Nachuma’s Residence.Several Motorcycles which were believed to be stolen in Mozambique were also found at the Lodge.Nachuma’s warehouse in Mozambique has also been vandalised after people there got wind of what had happened at Muloza.

The remains of the Businessman who was murdered will be burried today and as we are writing this article the funeral ceremony is underway at Namasalima SDA where the deceased was congrigating.

Fresh reports indicates there are chaos at the funeral after a speech from GVH Namasalima who condemned the vandalising of property irked people who thought he should have dwelt more on the deceased who was mercilessly killed.

Source:JKJ Updates Platform.

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