Jumah condemns MCP use of MDF in politics

Commander in Chief of Muvi wa Chilungamo Mindset Change episodes to be turn Revolutionary Party [MRP] Bantu Saunders Jumah, has condemned in strongest terms possible the MCP use of Malawi Defense Force [MDF] soldiers in politics against its political opponents.
Jumah said it is possible to use the police to be dragged in politics but using the Army in politics to fight political opponents is a grave mistake which requires all Malawians to accuse the MCP of bringing back the country into one party dictatorship government.

He said in 1994 Malawians made a declaration that never again shall the country go back to one party dictatorship saying what happened in Karonga where MDF soldiers arrested and tortured a civilian Mr. Lyton Mangochi, is a clear testimony that Malawi has democracy on paper.
Speaking during a special programme on TransNyasa Radio station to Muvi wa Chilunamo members in Malawi and district number 29 in diaspora, Jumah said it is sad that the MCP is using MDF soldiers to harass and intimidate people who are speaking nothing but the truth.
Jumah has reminded the MCP that Malawi is a democratic country where people’s rights must be respected at all times advising it not to use the Army to instill fear in many Malawians as if Malawi is at war.

….’’Don’t destroy the fundamental principles of democracy by using the Army to harass innocent people in the name of supporting a political party,’’….said Jumah.
He said Malawi as it is today, has no strong opposition party to stand for the people saying this has made the MCP led government to take advantage over a weak opposition who cannot offer constructive criticism to government.

The Commander in Chief said opposition provides check and balances to government but in Malawi the opposition is silent saying this has forced millions of Malawians calling for Muvi wa Chilungamo to graduate into a political party so that it provide checks and balances to the MCP led government.
He assured Malawians that new things will happen in Malawi referring to the Holy Bible that in the story of Jessie, David came from the bush to lead the people of Israel and this David will come to liberate Malawians from the shackles of Corruption and thieving in government.

The Commander in Chief observed that Malawians have a mentality that leadership will come from families with names obseving that they have tried all including President Reverend Chakwera but has none has liberated the country, Malawians are still dancing to the tune of corruption.
He advised Malawians that there is no school, college, and university for one to be President of the country saying it is a great mistake thinking that educated people are the ones to lead the country appealing to Malawians that this is the time to try David from the bush to be President of the country.
….’’In 2025 don’t be cheated with names, educational qualification and riches but look at the vision one is possessing, education and riches have failed the country,’’….said Jumah.
He assured Malawians that the 7th Republic coming under Muvi wa Chilungamo in 2025 will enhances transparency and accountability in government making all to realize that they are living in their country, using the available resources and no need for dollars.

Jumah said Muvi wa Chilungamo Revolutionary Party [MRP] is following the footsteps of David in the bush as in the Bible saying Malawians are expecting to receive David in 2025 in the 7th Republic claiming that the so called politicians with names, they won’t be seen anymore, David will come from the bush to be President of the Republic of Malawi.

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