Malawi Red Cross Society uses sports to curb gender based violence in Karonga

Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) on Saturday used ‘Tithetse Nkhaza’ Football Bonanza to raise awareness and curb rising cases of gender-based violence (GBV) among disaster survivors in Karonga District.

In an interview on the sidelines of the football bonanza at Kambwe, Malawi Red Cross District Coordinator for Karonga, Reuben Malema said they were alerted of rising cases of GBV cases especially in areas which were affected by floods.

“We are already implementing the Flood Response Project in these areas, so we decided to mobilize people from this area for dangers of GBV awareness so that we among others fight against early marriages which are on the rise.

“Sporting activities bring a lot of people of different age groups together, so we used this opportunity to relay messages on the dangers of GBV. The district’s statistics indicate that such cases are on the rise in the area of Paramount Chief Kyungu which is always affected by flood annually,” Malema said.

District Gender Officer for Karonga, Ireen Mwenelupembe said that her office has GBV Information Management System (GBVIMS) which has indicated that cases are high in the area of Paramount Chief Kyungu as compared all traditional authorities in the district.

“Using sports is one of the interventions to mobilise people but we also work with community structures such as community victim support units, mother groups and women forum groups to ensure that we curb GBV in this area,” said Mwenelupembe.

Chairperson for Mbande Area Development Committee, Chancy Mlelemba said that GBV affects the development of the area.

“We have since developed by-laws and we enforce them in curbing such a vice, besides that, people are urged to report anyone who marries off their children at an early age to relevant authorities,” said Mlelemba.

Kalaria Football Club emerged winners after beating Karonga United Reserves 1-0 and they walked away with three balls while their opponents received two balls from MRCS.

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