Chirimba to have a health centre

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State Vice President Dr. Michael Usi promised people of Chirimba Township in Blantyre that construction of a health centre in the area will start soon after identifying a site.

Usi said this on Thursday when he toured the township saying that Chirimba, a highly populated area, deserve its own healthy facility.

“All bags of cement needed for the construction of a hospital are readily available. We are waiting for the chiefs to identify a place accessible to all villages.

“After being given a place that should be central to Maela, Namatete and Chirimba, construction work shall start,” he said.

The Vice President therefore advised local leaders and their subjects to avoid putting politics on issues to do with development.
“The hospital should not be a political thing but should be there to help people to access health services,” he said.

On his part, Michiru Ward Councilor, Uche Yesaya, commended the Vice President for always helping the area.

“You dont forget us, I remember when we were affected by Cyclone Freddy, and you were the first person to visit our camps. Whenever I knock on your door, you always come to assist,” he said, adding that people in Chirimba area will always be grateful to Usis gesture.

Group Village Head Suya expressed optimism that the Vice Presidents visit will provide solution to some of their problems in his area.

“Your visit has given us hope. Seeing you here means that some of our problems will be solved,” he said.

He appealed to the Vice President to consider constructing roads in his village stating that roads in the area become impassable during rainy seasons.

“Roads in this village are not good. We use them today because this is dry season but come rains, the same roads are impassable,” group village Suya added.

Usi toured Chirimba to interact with township residents to appreciate their life challenges.

He already visited Bangwe and Ndirande townships.

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