Top Ten Schools Based on Percent of Candidates with Distinctions in Descending Order

Top ten schools based on percent of candidates with distinctions in descending order are: Lilongwe Islamic in Lilongwe Rural West at 47.34 percent, Loyola Jesuit in Kasungu at 47.01 percent, Marist Private in Dedza at 45.48 percent, Mtendere in Dedza at 41.95 percent, St Kizito Seminary in Dedza at 41.07 percent, NkhataBay at 40.83 percent, Likuni Boys at 40.71 percent. Ludzi Girls in Mchinji at 38.87 percent, Chaminade Marianist PVT in Lilongwe Rural West at 36.89 percent and Pius XII Seminary in Chiradzulu at 35.86 percent.

The Bottom Ten Schools Based on Pass Rate

The bottom ten schools based on pass rate, all with 0 percent distinctions in descending order are : Vision Private in Lilongwe City at 0.00 percent, Chivumbe Community in Blantyre Rural at 0.00 percent, Ntalala Community in Machinga at 7.69 percent, Good Choice Pvt in Thyolo at 10.34 percent , Kalonga II Community in Lilongwe Rural West at 11.11 percent, Maczale Academy in Mzimba North at 13.33 percent, Dr Alli Makalani Academy in Mangochi at 13.33 percent and Ngerenge Community in Karonga at 13.33 percent. #Education Iskey.

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