MCP Rally update: Low turnout as supporters decline K5000 offer to attend Ekwendeni Rally

By Burnett Munthali 

Reports from the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) rally at Ekwendeni indicate a low turnout, as many supporters have refused to board vehicles headed to the event, despite being offered K5000 as an incentive. Eyewitnesses have revealed that people are turning down the money, saying they would rather attend the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) rally being held in Mzuzu today.

The situation has raised concerns within the MCP, as the rally was intended to showcase the party’s strength in the region. However, it seems that the offer of K5000 to join the rally has not been enough to attract local support. Many of those declining the offer have stated, “Ayi ife tikupita kwa APM” (“No, we are going to APM”), indicating their preference to support former President Arthur Peter Mutharika (APM) and the DPP rally in Mzuzu.

The contrasting levels of support between the two parties have become evident, with reports suggesting that the DPP rally is drawing large crowds, while the MCP struggles to gain similar momentum in the North.

This development highlights the ongoing political rivalry between the MCP and DPP as both parties vie for influence and support ahead of future elections. With locals openly favoring the DPP event, the MCP may need to reassess its strategies in the region

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