RFA Obtains Injunction Restrain Contractors To Take Over Toll gates

Roads Fund Administration (RFA) has obtained an injunction restraining a group of local contractors from proceeding with their plans to take over management of two toll gates of Chingeni in Ntcheu and Kalinyeke in Dedza districts.

The contractors planned to takeover the toll gates over outstanding bill of K15 billion.

They have threatened to open the toll plazas tomorrow, so that vehicles should be passing through without paying the toll fees.

However RFA has obtained the injunction against 34 contractors and the High Court has since set October 01, 2024 for inter party hearing on the matter.

The contractors’ executive member for Blantyre Chapter Alex Chimwala said they are yet to be served with the injunction.

Meanwhile officials from Ntcheu District council have this morning called for a meeting between the contractors, RFA and Roads Authority.

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