The Sale of Likoma Island: A Betrayal by the Malawi Congress Party Government

Comrade Imran Jumbe criticized Chakwera government for putting likoma island on sale

The Sale of Likoma Island: A Betrayal by the Malawi Congress Party Government

Fellow Malawians,

It has come to light that the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) government is planning one of the most shameful and destructive acts of betrayal in our nation’s history—the sale of Likoma Island to European interests.

This decision, if allowed to proceed, will be nothing less than the auctioning off of our sovereignty and national pride, an act of corruption of the highest degree that must be blocked at all costs.

Likoma Island, with its rich natural resources and strategic importance, belongs to the people of Malawi, not to a few corrupt individuals in government looking to fill their pockets with dirty money.

How can a sitting president wake up one day and decide to sell off an entire district of our country to foreign interests?

This is not only a violation of the public trust but an insult to every Malawian who believes in the sanctity of our land.

The resources on Likoma Island—its fertile land, abundant fisheries, potential for tourism, and rich mineral deposits—are the heritage of our people.

Selling this treasure is not just a decision; it is an unforgivable crime. Let us not forget, these resources could be harnessed to benefit the local population, to generate income, jobs, and development for Malawians, not to be handed over to foreign powers who will exploit our land for their gain.

It is no secret that the MCP has been involved in numerous dodgy and dirty deals over the years, siphoning billions of taxpayers’ money under the guise of development projects.

This latest plan to sell Likoma Island leasing it for 100 years is just another step in their continued corruption it is but laughable.

They are looting the country while we watch, and it’s time to put a stop to it!

We, the people of Malawi, cannot stand by while our country is sold piece by piece to the highest bidder.

We cannot allow the Likoma deal to go forward. This is not just an issue of one district—it is about the future of Malawi.

If they succeed in selling Likoma Island today, what will stop them from selling other parts of our country tomorrow?

I call upon every Malawian to rise and defend our nation. We cannot afford to be passive while our leaders are selling off our land, our resources, and our future.

The time to act is now! Let us mobilize, speak out, and demand accountability from the MCP government.

We must ensure that this deal is blocked, that our land remains in our hands, and that the corrupt leaders behind this scheme are brought to justice.

Likoma Island is not for sale, and Malawi is not for sale! Let us unite, stand firm, and say NO to this betrayal.

The future of our children and the soul of our nation depend on it.Malawians, let us defend our country!

My Pen is mightier than a Sword.

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