A democratic nation under siege: The MCP’s ongoing assault on civil liberties

By Burnett Munthali

The Malawi Congress Party (MCP) government should reflect deeply on the damage it has caused through repeated violence against unarmed demonstrators over the last five years.

The abuse of peaceful protesters is not just an assault on their rights but an outright betrayal of the democratic ideals upon which Malawi was founded.

Over the years, the MCP government has increasingly shown a disturbing pattern of resorting to brutality when confronted with dissent from its own people.

Rather than engaging in dialogue or addressing grievances, the MCP has repeatedly chosen to violently suppress opposition, signaling that free speech and peaceful assembly are no longer welcome.

What makes these attacks even more troubling is the fact that they are state-sponsored, meaning that government institutions, which should exist to protect citizens, have instead been mobilized to oppress them.

State-sponsored terror, especially in a democratic society, is not only morally reprehensible—it has no place in Malawi, particularly at this critical juncture in the country’s democratic journey.

The essential purpose of a democratic government is to reflect the people’s will and safeguard their rights.

When any government resorts to force to stifle opposition and limit freedoms, it violates the very essence of democracy.

By using state power to instill fear and suppress freedom of expression, the MCP government undermines the trust its citizens place in their leadership and weakens the credibility of Malawi’s democratic framework.

In a time when the nation is striving to consolidate its democracy, it is unconscionable that the government would seek to silence legitimate dissent through intimidation and violence.

The leadership behind these brutal acts must realize that their actions will not go unnoticed. Sooner or later, there will be a reckoning for the bloodshed they have caused.

No government can rely on violence indefinitely to secure its control. In the end, accountability always prevails.

The MCP leadership might think they are securing their rule through force, but the more they oppress the Malawian people, the deeper they dig their own political grave.

History has proven time and again that governments that rely on violence to maintain power eventually face the consequences. This government will be no different.

One of the most egregious incidents of violence came on Wednesday, March 19th, 2025, when the MCP government targeted civil servants simply demanding a fair pay rise.

These hardworking men and women play a crucial role in the functioning of the government. Instead of being met with respect and a thoughtful response to their legitimate concerns, they were met with violence and oppression.

Their demand was not an unreasonable one; they sought only a modest and just pay increase for the labor they contribute to the country daily.

Rather than engage in constructive dialogue or take the matter seriously, the MCP government responded with brute force, choosing violence over reason.

This incident is particularly alarming because civil servants, who are among the backbone of the state, should be protected and supported by the government. Instead, they were subjected to violence for exercising their right to protest peacefully.

Instead of fostering an environment of collaboration and open communication, the MCP government chose to use force against those who serve the country, demonstrating a profound disrespect for its workers.

This is a blatant violation of basic human and workers’ rights and the most severe form of violence against the very individuals who keep the government running.

In a thriving democracy, governments are expected to engage with the people they govern through peaceful means to resolve issues. The MCP’s violent response is a stark contrast to the values of democracy and human dignity.

The people of Malawi deserve a government that listens to their concerns and addresses them peacefully, not one that resorts to violence as its first response.

If the MCP government continues down this dangerous path of intimidation and brutality, it will not be long before it faces the full consequences of its actions.

The future of Malawi’s democracy is at risk if the current government continues to disregard its citizens’ rights in favor of violent suppression.

The people of Malawi have a right to live in a society where their voices matter and their grievances are addressed with respect, not force.

We must not condone violence in any form, especially as a tool to silence opposition or suppress public opinion.

Malawians will not remain silent forever. Those who have abused their power to commit these atrocities will eventually be held accountable, and justice will prevail.

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