Malawi Freedom Network
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Protection Officers Drilled In Combating Human Trafficking

A call has gone out to church leaders to take part in the fight against human trafficking in the country.

Monsignor Boniface Tamani of Blantyre Archdiocese sounded the call during a capacity-building workshop for protection officers.

Tamani further said that churches have equally been affected by the trafficking of persons since some of the victims are their members

“Human trafficking is modern-day slavery. One will be amused to find out that some of the people who are involved in these cartels are members of various churches. As Catholic Church, we feel to have an obligation to preach against human trafficking and advocate against the vice which is also against human dignity,” said Tamani.

Enhancing Capacity and Coordination to Combat Trafficking of Person project is being implemented by CADECOM in partnership with Plan International.

In her remarks, Alinikisa Mphongolo of Plan International Malawi said the capacity-building activities will help protection officers to reduce cases of human trafficking.

“We are coordinating various stakeholders in combating trafficking of persons but also we are working with various government structures to make sure that all human trafficking hotspots are sealed,” said Phongolo.

The three-year project which started last year is being implemented in the human trafficking hotspots of Mwanza, Mulanje, and Lilongwe.

It is funded to the tune of K2 billion.

Recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs disclosed that it has secured air tickets to repatriate Malawians working in Middle East Countries where they are being held as captives. –

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