Chiefs Assured Chakwera Full Support

Traditional leaders say they are against calls from some quarters for President Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera to trim his presidential powers

`They are also describing it as insane calls for President Chakwera to resign owing to the economic downturn of the country, saying this is a global phenomenon.

Chakwera with chiefs at Sanjika
Senior chiefs from Nsanje said this on Thursday after meeting President Chakwera at Sanjika Palace in Blantyre.

Senior Chief Malemia said instead, the chiefs assured President Chakwera of their full support, saying the president’s development agenda is impressive.

“People should allow the President to govern without any disturbance, the issues of economic challenges being highlighted for example, are a global concern,” he said.“`

The traditional leader said the chiefs commended President Chakwera for implementing a K69 billion Marka- Bangula railway rehabilitation project, which they say will boost the country’s economy.

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