Chilima Inspect Projects In Lower Shire

Vice-President Saulos Chilima is today in the Lower Shire on a tour of projects under the Public Sector Reforms Programme.

This morning, Chilima is visiting Chimwalambangu Irrigation Scheme Reservoir in Nsanje.

The reservoir, which is now completed, supplies water for irrigation to surrounding villages which are in low lying areas.

The Vice-President is also expected to be shown main canals which are about 500 metres away and are connected to the reservoir through pipes.

Thereafter, Chilima will chair a full council meeting at Nsanje Secondary School Hall before proceeding to Chikwawa where he is also expected to chair a similar meeting at Kasinthula Research Station Hall.

From there, the VP will visit Thabwa Value Addition Centre where he will be briefed on how surrounding cooperatives are benefiting from numerous initiatives at the centre.

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