Inquiry Findings Faults Martha Chizuma

The office of the President and Cabinet has released findings and recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry on the arrest of the director general (DG) of the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Martha Chizuma.

Among the key findings;

—The police acted on a complaint from Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Steve Kayuni regarding a leaked audio involving an ACB official and another person, however they made own assumptions as to who Kayuni was complaining against as the complaint’s statement only referred to an ACB official. There was no investigation done before the arrest.

Chizuma committed an offense

—Chizuma committed an offense by discussing sensitive matters with a third party.

—DPP Kayuni was not entitled to bring in personal interests in an issue that affected the office of the DPP.

—Police used excessive force in arresting Chizuma. They did not tell her where they were taking her and the police did not make arrangements to involve female detectives while it was known that they were going to arrest a female person.

Chizuma was not manhandled

—Chizuma was not manhandled and that some of the statements made in Parliament regarding the conduct of police were exaggerated.

—The Presidential directive to release the ACB DG unconditionally was not adhered to as police went on to caution her before releasing her on bail.

—There are serious mistrust issues among different offices mandated to fight corruption in the country.

The commission has made the following recommendations among others;

—The commission has recommended to the President to take urgent action to restore the dignity, trust and integrity of offices of the ACB DG, the Attorney General (AG) and the DPP.

Deal with Chizuma

—Regarding Chizuma and the leaked audio, the commission of inquiry has recommended that appropriate action be taken to deal with her conduct.

— The commission recommends that appropriate action be taken to deal with with the conduct of Kayuni in the matter as it was found that he lacked sound judgement by prioritisiing self-interests above the responsibilities of his office.

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