Malawians Rate Malawi Police Service Poor And Corrupt

Findings of an Afrobarometer survey show that many Malawians do not trust Malawi Police Service and that its officers conduct themselves in an unprofessional manner, including demanding bribes to “assist” the citizens.

In its Dispatch Number 581 compiled by researchers Joseph J. Chunga and Chikumbutso Herbert Manthalu, Afrobarometer, a non-profit and non-partisan Pan-African research network, said “fewer than three in 10” Malawians think the police usually operate in a professional manner and respect human rights.

The findings also indicate that a majority say the police stop drivers without good reason, use excessive force and engage in criminal activities, at least “sometimes”.

Reads the survey in summary: “Popular trust in the police is fairly low amid perceptions that many officers are involved in corruption. Many citizens report having to pay bribes to get police assistance or avoid problems with the police.

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