USA/British Fails To Topple Tonse Alliance Government Of President Dr Lazarus Chakwera

The United States of America and British government have failed their plans to topple the tonse alliance government using ACB Director Martha Chizuma in the name of fighting corruption in the country, The US and British are good Samaritan by faces have been playing hide and seek games hiding at the back of ACB in the name of fighting corruption, we don’t know what the western wants to malawi but confidently the western they are up to something in Malawi may be they want to colonise us again,

The same British failed their plans in the time of the father and founder of the malawi nation late Ngwazi Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda who told them off and broke their stupid federation,
The British failed the same plans during the former president late Dr Bingu wa Mutharika that costed the expulsion of British ambassador to Malawi Cochrane-Dyet,
The United States /British fighting corruption in the country is very questionable and raise one million questions hence they have forgotten that Malawi is a sovereign state with its constitution,

Hit the dog to know the owner,.

Malawians have opened their eyes and able to see where these problems coming from,

Problems honestly seen coming from the US/ British who is trying to defend the ACB Director who is answering criminal cases in court over leaked audio, The US Embassy wants Malawi to flout our Constitution not to charge the ACB Director for her criminal offence, the British/ America were suppose to stick to our Constitution who ever broke the law should face the long arm of the law, but why they support selective justice? What will happen in future? That’s shows us clear indication that the British/America are at back door using the ACB Director to fulfill their agendas,
If we deep investigate reveal their plans was to groom her and become the president after Dr Chakwera’s administration falls, but plans failed ,

Why US/ British support selective justice to ACB director?

We expected the honest Samaritan US/ America to push President Dr Chakwera to appoint new ACB Director leaving the current to battle her leaked audio in court, but Allah

the western took a chance to fulfill their agenda under this tonse administration led by Dr Lazarus Chakwera the malawi servant leader, their understanding to them they saw it was easy to topple Dr Chakwera’s administration with their plan had in the drawing board,

the western have done the best they can to make sure Dr Lazarus Chakwera falls, they went back door and give full support personal to ACB director, funded CSO’s, Online media news to frustrate government.
The British went ahead on working with international crime agency produced cooked fake case which never existed and implicates every Jim and jack in tonse government stating from President, Vice, Ministers, government officials, business men, principal secretaries, Judges, Lawyers, religious faith leaders, journalist s and others, remember when the British America wants to achieve something they do what they want even to sacrifices somebody’s life to them it’s nothing, they don’t care, remember how they dealt with strong Africans leaders, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Muamar Gaddafi,

Their plans painted black everyone in this Chakwera administration to make it all Malawians look and prove that this Tonse government led by Dr Chakwera is awaste administration ever ,

To make things worse the United States/ British fought a good win fight by devaluating our kwacha 25% off that was their last nail to tonse government,

Real patriotic citizens ,real Malawians they counter every move the British/America playing, They are not ready to sell malawi the warm heart of Africa to the western or to let our beautiful country to be colonised again, the western are snakes in grass they smile to us once you show them back they bite you, if Africa can ban them all they will not eat in America, they will not eat in Britain their resources are Africa,

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