Zikhale Urges Flood Survivors To Form Groups To Access Loans From Neef

Homeland security minister, Ken Zikhale Ng’oma has asked flood survivors in Chilobwe township in Blantyre to get organised and form groups in order to access loans from National Economic Empowerment Fund.

Speaking during the decommissioning of Naotcha camp today where he presented a cow from Apostle Clifford Kawinga, Ng’oma said as the survivors are intending to settle in safer places, they also need to do some small businesses for them to be self reliant.

“I ask all the grave diggers that worked during the disaster and also men and women to form groups for them to get some loans,” said Ng’oma.

Zikhale also presented K500,000 from Apostle Kawinga to thank volunteers that supported people at Naotcha

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