Biography Of Dr Thomson Mpinganjira


Dr Thomson Mpinganjira is the founder of FDH Bank and has held several other high-ranking positions and important roles throughout his career.SOCIALS

With many years of experience in business, Thomson Mpinganjira has built a strong reputation as a visionary and innovative leader, known for his results-oriented approach. Thomson Mpinganjira is also an advocate for ethical business practices, which he aims to promote though his participation on various committees and boards, including his current position as a member of the Ethical & Investigations Committee for the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAM).

Thomson Mpinganjira’s professional interests include digital disruptors and innovative technologies such as cryptocurrencies. He is also interested in financial inclusion, leadership, and business growth and sustainability, and has expertise in corporate strategy, corporate governance, and corporate social responsibility.

Dr Thomson Mpinganjira is involved with several trusts, commissions and companies, holding positions of authority including Chairman, Board Chairman, President and Trustee. At present, Dr Mpinganjira is Chairman of the Electricity Supply Commission of Malawi (ESCOM) Limited; a Patron of the Economics Association of Malalwi (ECAMA); Board Chairman of the Small and Medium Enterprises Association (SMEA) and Reunion Insurance Limited; and President of Adventists-Lay Persons in Services & Industry (ASI Malawi).

Additionally, Thomson Mpinganjira is a Trustee of both the Cancer Association of Malawi and the Diabetes Association of Malawi, and a Trustee for several educational associations and school boards including The University of Malawi Alumni Association, the Malawi Polytechnic Alumni Association, and the Zomba Catholic Secondary School Board of Trustees.

Previous positions held by Dr Thomson Mpinganjira focused on the financial industry in Malawi; he held several important positions and sat on the boards of several committees, agencies and councils.

Thomson Mpinganjira was formerly a Member of the Reserve Bank of Malawi Governor’s Consultative Committee of Bank & Financial Institutions CEOs, and Chairman of the Stakeholders Committee for the Millennium Challenge Account. Mpinganjira was also Board Chairman of the Malawi Investments Promotion Agency; a Council Member of the Bankers Association of Malawi; a Board Member of the Institute of Bankers in Malawi; and a Member of the Committee of SADC Stock Exchanges (COSSE) and the Association of Arfican Stock Exchanges (ASEA).

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