The legendary Legal Practitioner Mordecai Msiska SC has questioned the tendency of some lawyers in the country of taking their cases to specific Judges. Msiska was speaking at Nkopola lodge during an Annual General meeting of the Malawi Law Society. The great Lawyer with 47 years at the bar wondered why some specific orders have specific Lawyers and Judges.
” You know that if it is such an order from this Lawyer, the Judge will be this one” stated Msiska sending the hall into laughter. He proposed that Judges to preside over cases must be selected by a computer program.
” It is strange that these days a Lawyer can just call a Judge and ask for directions to his house, to get an injunction. During our time, you could’nt do that. You call a Registrar and not a Judge.” Msiska urged the Lawyers not to avoid criticising the Judges where there is merit to criticise.
Modeccai Msiska and Savjana were both honoured at the meeting for their vast experience, dedication and integrity. Msiska has practised law for 47 years while Savjan for 52 years. Ironically, it was Savjan who mentored Msiska!