National People’s Alliance Forum (NPAF) have planned for the National demonstration dubbed MALAWI WAKWIYA throughout the country slated to take place on 14 APRIL of this month.

According to the Chairperson of the organising committee Stanford Makalani, the demonstration will be held in each district and the main demo will be in Lilongwe and all the preparations are at advanced stage.

“This Tonse government is not care about the people in this country”, It’s now time for all Malawians to express their anger that life is tough and nothing it’s moving. Prices of everything it’s going up each and everyday”, said Makalani.

“Zinthu zakwela mtengo ndipo yakwana nthawi yoti a Malawi omwe analiyika bomali awonetse kukwiya mavuto achuluka ndipo anthu akuvutika omwe akudyelera ndikagulu kaanthu anthu ochepa”,

It seems government is failing to control prices and everything is very expensive. MALAWI WAKWIYA basi, there is no government and no leadership in this country.

Everyone should attend this National demonstration because everyone is affected with the situation on the ground.

This week all the relevant Authorities will be informed for the intended national Demonstration and the press conference will be held over the weekend.

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