Malawi Revenue Authority Launch Taxpayer Charter

The Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) is tonight launching a taxpayer charter, a document which spells out how taxpayers will be served when dealing with tax adminstration through multiple channels within the tax syatem.

The charter, as a public performance tool, aims to cultivate and strengthen the confidence that taxpayers have in the tax adminstration system, while simultaneously building a new relationship with taxpayers based on mutual trust and respect.

MRA commissioner general John Bizwick has indicated that the charter is one of the many steps that the MRA is taking to improve service delivery by among others drive MRA officials to work efficiently in a manner stipulated in the charter.

The Charter comprises 11 taxpayer rights which among others include right to impartial treatment, accurate and complete information and right to quality service.

The charter also covers nine taxpayers obligations which among others include a taxpayer to register with the MRA, keep records, file returns on time and pay on time

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