Unima Law School Outflanks Cunima In The Inaugural DNC Inter-University Moot Court Competition

The University of Malawi (UNIMA LAW) has today emerged victorious over Catholic University of Malawi in a moot court competition in which Justice Tembo, justice of appeal, NyaKaunda Kamanga and Justice Allide were the Judges.

Among the individual accolades, Mathews Chawinga from UNIMA was recognized as the best oralist while one of the CUNIMA representatives won the best memorial award.

Joel Eugene Elifala, Judge in University of Malawi Student Association Court was also one of the representatives of the team that emerged the winners.

A moot court is a competition in which participants take part in simulated court proceedings usually involving drafting memorials and participating in oral arguments before a court on a hypothetical question of law.

The moot is the first of its kind following the accreditation of CUNIMA to offer legal education.

Reported by Wonderful Mikwanda

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