Mkukula-B ADC ask for Transparency on CDF Funds

Mkukula B ADC being drilled on CDF accountability

Members of the Mkukula-B Area Development Committee (ADC) in Dowa South-East constituency have raised concerns about the transparency and accountability of the district council’s financial management.

The members of the committee raised their concerns at a one-day community interface meeting on Friday on the council’s funding baskets, including the Special Intervention Grant (SIG), Constituency Development Fund (CDF), District Development Fund (DDF), and locally generated revenue

During the meeting members wanted to know about the council’s process for collecting market fees, the monthly amount collected, and how the funds are allocated.
They also wanted to know criteria followed for identifying suppliers and contractors at council level.

Members requested that the council provide more transparency in their financial management to ensure accountability.

“We want to know how our money is being spent,” said the chairperson of the committee, Wickson Bvumbwe.

“We want to make sure that it is being used for the benefit of the rural masses, not for the benefit of a few individuals.”

Bvumbwe also said that the members are not happy with the way the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is administered.

“Nearly all the projects are initiated without the knowledge of the ADC,” he said.

Esan Kalele who is Monitoring and Evaluation Officer for the district,
In response, council representatives provided an explanation of a number of concerns raised by the ADC, including their procedures for collecting market fees, allocating funds, and identifying and engaging suppliers and contractors.

Kalele assured the members that they were committed to transparency and accountability in their financial management.

“We are committed to transparency and accountability in our financial management. We will work with you to ensure that your concerns are addressed.”

MHRRC’s Capacity Development Associate, Noel Msiska, said this community-driven action is in line with the NGO’s project’s outcome 2, where duty bearers are made to be accountable and transparent in the management of resources allocated to education, health, and social security.

“We are working with the ADC to ensure that the district council is held accountable for its financial management,” he said.

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