Supreme Court Lifts Injunction Obtained By Malata

By Martha Kachingwe Phiri–LILONGWE

Opposition Democratic Progressive Party-DPP might proceed with its planned National Governing Council-NGC meeting following the lifting of an injunction one of its members, Fredrick Billy Malata obtained.

Supreme Court Judge Dingiswayo Madise has lifted the injunction while ordering the party to allow Malata attend the NGC meeting.

Malata had obtained the injunction; claiming some members who were set to attend the meeting were not NGC members.

It is further alleged that the party had excluded him from the list of those attending.

Meanwhile, DPP spokesperson Shadric Namalomba is reported saying the party will now set fresh dates for the meeting. This is the meeting where the party is expected to set dates for an elective conference.

The meeting was slated for last Saturday at Nkopola Lodge in Mangochi. The party, that has witnessed internal cracks and divisions since 2020, last held its NGC meeting in 201

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