Kamtukule faces controversy: Kaliati disowns Minister, analysts suggest political motives

By Burnett Munthali

Minister of Tourism Vera Kamtukule’s recent departure from the United Transformation Movement (UTM) has sparked a heated debate, with Secretary General Patricia Kaliati publicly disowning her and political analysts speculating that the move is aimed at securing her government position.

Kamtukule’s exit from the UTM, a party she was previously aligned with, has attracted significant attention. Kaliati, the Secretary General of the UTM, has distanced the party from Kamtukule, stating that she is no longer a member and does not represent the party’s interests. This public disavowal underscores the tension surrounding Kamtukule’s departure.

Political analysts have suggested that Kamtukule’s shift to the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) may be strategically motivated. They argue that her move could be an attempt to maintain her position within the government by aligning with a different political faction, which could potentially offer her greater security and influence.

The controversy highlights the intricate dynamics of Malawian politics, where party affiliations and strategic maneuvers often play a critical role in shaping political careers. As the situation continues to unfold, the implications for Kamtukule’s political future and her role in the government remain to be seen

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