Court Set July 18 To Deliver Judgment Whether Magalasi Has A Case Or Not

Senior resident Magistrate Florence Msekandiana has set 18th August 2022, as a day she will deliver a ruling on whether Former MERA Boss Collins Magalasi has a case to answer or not.

This comes as the State has completed its prosecution case against Magalasi who is accused of abusing his office when he allegedly used public funds to pay K 10.5 million as accommodation for Democratic Progressive Party officials at Kanjedza Lodge, Oasis Hotel and Heritage Serendib between July and August 2018.
On Thursday, State Paraded last witnesses and the first one, Mohammed Aswani Kanjedza Lodge Manager told the Court that the then DPP Campaign Director Ben Phiri told him that MERA would be responsible for accommodation payment.
He said MERA paid K 3.1 million for 71 guests.

Speaking to MIJ Online, Dr Steven Kayuni Director of Public Prosecutions said they have completed everything and they will now wait for the court to determine on case to answer.
But Ephraim Chikwakwa lawyer representing Magalasi said the State has failed to prove how Magalasi influenced the payment.

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