Chiefs in Mangochi have given a seven-day ultimatum to CSOs that are challenging the implementation of the Nkhudzi Bay-Mangochi water supply project to vaccate a court injunction they obtained.
Led by Senior Chief Namkumba, the chiefs are holding a press briefing in the district together with members of the Forum for Social Economic Development for Mangochi – FOSEMA.

National Youth Network on Climate Change, Center for Environmental Policy and Advocacy as well as Movement for Environment Action took an injunction stopping Southern Region Water Board from executing the project arguing it threatens wildlife.
Commenting on the matter, FOSEMA vice chairperson MacDonald Sembereka and secretary general Smith Kamwana have threatened that Mangochi residents will hold vigils at homes of those that are blocking the project within the area.
Upon completion, the project is expected to benefit at least 93 000 households in the district with clean, safe and portable water.