Chinese National Susu Judgement Slated September 16

Senior Resident Magistrate James Mankhwazi has set 16th September, as a day he will deliver his ruling on Chinese national Susu’s bail Application.

Susu who is accused of exploiting Malawian Children at Njewa in Lilongwe through video clips he was shooting for a profit reapplied for bail on Friday.

He has been on remand at Maula Prison since his arrest on 16 July.

According to the State, they want Susu to continue being detained citing he is a flight risk.

Speaking to MIJ Online, Mathews Gamadzi Principal State Advocate in the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions said the State also wants Susu to be in Prison for his own safety.

But Andy Kaonga, lawyer representing Susu has accused the State of being unjust towards Susu saying they can’t continue keeping Susu in custody without officially charging him.

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